Thursday, September 19, 2019

7A - Testing the Hypothesis

Stricter Gun Laws and Safety Regulation

In the United States, gun violence is a growing epidemic as the Constitution does not properly address gun safety issues. As technology has advanced, assault rifles were invented and have given children a fear at school previous generations did not have. 

The Who: The United States Government.

The What: Not strict enough gun laws and gun safety regulation.

The Why: The second amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms.

Testing the Who: Are there bills we could pass through legislation to enforce gun safety? 

Testing the What: Would it really benefit anyone arming teachers in school, or create more gun safety flaws, scaring students even more? 

Testing the Why: Is there a way we could process stricter gun laws and implementing stricter gun regulations without the process of amending the Constitution so it is done in a timely matter?


1. Julia Cordover: A sophomore here at the University of Florida and an alumni of Marjory Stoneman Douglass. She is an advocate for stronger gun laws and ensuring children safety in schools. From first hand experience, she understands what it is like to fear you won't make it home from school. She believes a group fighting Legislation to pass stronger gun laws is vital to the safety and moral of the United States of the America. 

2. Marie Lear: A parent to a University of Florida student and a victim of losing a loved one to gun violence. She believes that America will crumble if the Government doesn't listen to the voices of the younger generations crying for help and safety in their schools. In the back of her mind she has concerns sending her children to school, especially now that they are in college and walking around vulnerable campuses.

3. Luke Gidus: A sophomore at the University of Florida who doesn't understand why our Government has done more to protect students in schools. It seems the tv shows shootings almost everyday, particularly during the school year. He feels strongly that University of Florida students, and students everywhere shouldn't fear going to school everyday.

4. Lexi Phillips: A sophomore at the University of Florida and an advocate for gun safety and laws restricting the use of assault rifles. She admitted that when a lot of random commotion and loud noises are going on, for a second she gets scared it could be a shooting.

5. Grace Lear: A sophomore at the University of Florida and wants to have a voice in the advocation for amending gun laws. She knows nothing about gun safety and feels all schools should implement a gun safety course, or an online course informing students of procedures in the case of a school shooting. 


  1. The layout of this post was done very well, it helped with understanding exactly what you were exploring in this opportunity. Specifically what I liked about the layout was how you directly stated what you were testing for each: who, what, and why. I this the research that you are doing is very important, gun safety is defiantly a problem in the U.S. right now. The only thing I would suggest is that you could possibly add a reflection of your interviews, but otherwise is was very informative.

  2. From personal experience of purchasing weapons, I agree that there needs to be far better control and regulation. I myself am pro-gun, but I am also very much pro-control. I think every gun barrel needs to have a round passed through it so that forensics can have a database of who owns these barrels and who these weapons are registered for.
    I have personally had a much easier time legally obtaining a license to purchase a concealable firearm than I have trying to get a license from the health department to open a food stand. Though the licensing process was pretty thorough, it still doesn't do anything for rifles. Rifles need to be taken just as seriously as handguns when it comes to licensing and background checks. The fact that these issues are still going on is absurd.
    And thinking about it actually, you do not even need a license to purchase a handgun. You just need a license to carry it around with you. You can easily go to the gun store, purchase a handgun and wait the three days to pick it up. Any crook can easily break the law and carry it wherever they want. Something that serious and deadly need to be kept out of the hands of the irresponsible.
