Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

I am addressing the issue of gun violence.  It is a rising epidemic in the United States and it is something society must urgently act upon. I interviewed three people who own guns and two people who do not own guns. The three people who did own guns that I interviewed all unanimously agreed that their must be stricter gun regulations. They can't believe how accessible assault rifles are these days. Although they own guns, they understand that the wholistic safety of the United States is more important than individual safety. It is shocking to them that school shootings are something that are still occurring after the amount of lives already lost. They want to work to push legislation to pass bills that will enforce stronger background checks and taking assault rifles off the market. The two people I interviewed without guns are active March for Our Lives members here at University of Florida's local protest group. They are trying to spread the word about Gainesville's first march and make it a march that is actually doing more than just speech but action.

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
Who: Students at UF who don't own guns and are active MFOL members.
Who: Three old men who own guns.
What: Make a statement and change through UF's March for Our Lives.
What: They are informed about the dangers of guns and agree change is a necessity.
Why: Only speech has happened about gun violence, it is time for real action and change.
Why: They understand that if stronger background checks were enforced and rifles were banned, America would be safer.


  1. While I agree that there need to be much stronger background checks, I don't necessarily agree that rifles should be banned outright. Guns of all sorts are far too easy to obtain. Here in Florida at least, you can purchase a handgun without a license. All you have to do is wait three days to pick it up. It isn't right.

    I took it upon myself to go through extensive training and background checks to ensure that I am a responsible firearm owner. I carry wherever I am legally allowed to carry, as a result of all the crazies out there. I believe that every person that seeks to purchase any sort of firearm should be required to go through an extensive training course, along with extensive criminal and mental background checks in order to be licensed. There needs to be regulations ensuring that only licensed individuals can purchase firearms, including rifles. But as long as that license requirement were to be put in place, I don't think any rifles should be banned. After all, far more people die each year from handgun owners than do people from rifle owners.

    It's a scary world we live in. I think that the best thing to do is to make sure that those qualified enough to be licensed for firearms (after extensive background checks) should be able to bring those firearms with them. Guns are traded in the black market just as much as drugs are, and no ban stopped the illegal trade of drugs.

    Overall, I agree with further legislation. It is easier to legally buy a gun than it is to legally set up a public lemonade stand. It's messed up.

  2. Hey Lexington, this is a great topic, and I'm glad to see that the people you interviewed though they have different personal relations to the topic were able to agree that some things need to change to have an overall safer country. I would only recommend finding someone who doesnt agree with this general consensus you found so you can understand their perspective to more effectively change the minds of people who disagree with stricter gun regulations.

  3. Hi Lexington, I enjoyed reading your hypothesis follow up on Gun Laws. I think this is a great topic because it is an issue that the United States needs to address. After school shooting I agree that there should be stricter regulations, especially if young kids are losing their lives over it. Overall you did a great job on this.
