Monday, December 2, 2019

30A - Final Reflection

Final Reflection

I learned so much in this class and every single assignment was memorable for me. Every assignment was different and made me think outside of the box and see things in different ways. I enjoyed learning new information and getting feedback from my classmates. The one thing I would have changed is realizing that i turned in the wrong url for a few if the first blog posts, this lowered my grade but I fixed my mistake and never turned in the wring one again. I will remember a lot from this class, including learning how to take the feedback from others and fix what I did wrong. I do believe that I have developed an entrepreneurial mindset and this will benefit me now and in the future. I really enjoyed taking this class and learning how to think like and be an entrepreneur.
Image result for think outside the box"

29A - Venture Concept No.2

 I am offering an opportunity to citizens of the United States to share their opinions and beliefs with legislation in hopes of enacting changes in gun laws. Gun safety laws are necessary, gun violence is getting worse and it needs to end. In the United Sates last year there was nearly one shooting for every single school day. It is time for the United States to enact a change and Create a movement to make sure that the government creates gun safety laws and removes assault rifles from the market and out of people’s homes.  This will ensure the safety of everyone and allow people to always feel safe and not have to worry about themselves or others.

 I want to pursue a group of people who are active protestors and are willing to constantly urge and write to legislation to pass gun bills. These laws will enforce stricter background checks and take assault rifles off the market, and out of people’s homes. This is vital to the safety of the United States of America. In the United States, gun violence is a growing epidemic as the Constitution does not properly address gun safety issues. As technology has advanced, assault rifles were invented and have given children a fear at school previous generations did not have. I believe that nobody should ever feel scared or unsafe at school or anywhere, this is why I think that it is so important that gun safety laws need to be made.

My innovation is going to solve the issue of gun violence and allow people to feel safe when being at school or anywhere. I know that customers will support my idea and want to join me because everyone deserves the right to their own safety and the safety of others. I think that people have realized how much worse gun violence has got throughout the years and a lot of parents are afraid to send their children to school every day because they are worried about the safety of their children. Parents, student and teachers should never have to fear for the lives if themselves or others while being at school. School needs to become a place of safety and a place where students and go to and just learn and not feel scared. This is also necessary for anywhere; people should always feel safe wherever they are and not have to worry about gun violence. Since this is something that the majority of people agree with, a lot of customers and supporters will be attracted to my business. After people join me and realize how necessary gun safety laws are for the United States it will make them continue to stay and want to ensure that the laws are created and that assault rifles are taken. Every single United States citizen deserves the right to feel safe and know that their loved ones are safe too.

The feedback that I received was all positive. Each comment on my first venture concept stated only good things about my post and none of them said anything about what I needed to fix and make better.
Image result for end gun violence

Friday, November 22, 2019

28A - Your Exit Strategy

1) Identify the exit strategy you plan to make. Do you intend to sell your business in the next 5 years for a large return? Do you intend to stay with the business for several decades and retire? Do you intend to protect the venture as a family business, and pass it down to your children?

I do not plan on selling my business but I do want to expand my business and get as much people involved as possible. This would not be my full time job but it would be something that I can believe in and stand up for. 

2) Why have you selected this particular exit strategy?

I decided on this because this is not something I can make a career out of, but stand up for gun violence, fighting for out rights and continuing until America is safe from gun violence is something that i strongly believe in.

3) How do you think your exit strategy has influenced the other decisions you've made in your concept? For instance, has it influenced how you have identified an opportunity? Has it influenced your growth intentions or how you plan to acquire and use resources?

My exit strategy has not influenced anything about the decisions I made in my concept because I don't think I need to worry about what I will do in 5 years or when I retire. 

27A - Reading Reflection No.3

Reading Reflection No.3 

I Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win by Scott Adams

1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
The theme of this book is that we all are in-charge of our own lives and how our life ends up. Each decision that we make is about us and should be chosen for the right reasons and to benefit our lives. 
2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
I have learned a lot in this class and one important thing is to not be afraid to take chances and push yourself. These are two main concepts in this book. 
 3. If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
I would make the exercise a blog post called "My Failures" and the students would have to discuss things that they have failed at in their lives and what they have learned from it.
4. What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
While reading this I was surprised how he discussed failures and made it seem like not such a bad thing. Before reading this I thought about failures being a very negative thing. But now I realize that everyone deals with failures and we all learn from them and become better people. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

26A - Lexington Olsen

This semester I took calculus and I had a lot of trouble and it caused me a lot me stress. No matter how long and hard I studied, I did terrible on two exams. This made me really upset because I have worked so hard and did not know how to fix the way I studied. After talking to the professor and other students I have learned that I was not studying the right way and found out how to fix my mistakes. When I think about failure, I think about the failures I have had in my life. I do not handle failures very well, I get very upset and disappointed in myself because I feel like I didn't try hard enough. Being in this class has made me realize that everyone fails at things during their lives and it is okay to not be perfect at everything.

Friday, November 15, 2019

25A - What's Next?

Existing Market 

I think I need to start by reaching out to other college students and start talking about our beliefs in gun safety and discuss how we believe we should begin to solve this growing epidemic.

Julia Cordover:
Julia said that she thinks this is a perfect way to begin and she said that she will join me and help me find people who want stricter gun safety laws.

Marie Lear:
Marie said that she thinks that I should reach out to anyone who want gun safety laws to be created because some college students may not be interested, but younger or older people might be.

Luke Gidus:
Luke gave me the idea to provide people with information of how bad gun violence has become and this will make people realize how necessary stricter gun safety laws are.

I think that it is important to reach out to more people then just those in college because there are so many people who want to feel safe and to end gun violence.

New Market

I want to propose a law that implements a gun buyback incentivizing Americans to return their guns in the hands of the government.

Jacqueline Hahn:
Jacquline agrees that this idea can also work and end gun violence in the United States.

Lexi Philips:
Lexi also agrees that this law idea is a good idea.

I think that this new market idea is also a good idea and can end gun violence.

24A - Venture Concept No. 1

Putting It All Together

 I am offering an opportunity to citizens of the United States to share their opinions and beliefs with legislation in hopes of enacting changes in gun laws. Gun safety laws are necessary, gun violence is getting worse and it needs to end. In the United Sates last year there was nearly one shooting for every single school day. It is time for the United States to enact a change and Create a movement to make sure that the government creates gun safety laws and removes assault rifles from the market and out of people’s homes.  This will ensure the safety of everyone and allow people to always feel safe and not have to worry about themselves or others.

 I want to pursue a group of people who are active protestors and are willing to constantly urge and write to legislation to pass gun bills. These laws will enforce stricter background checks and take assault rifles off the market, and out of people’s homes. This is vital to the safety of the United States of America. In the United States, gun violence is a growing epidemic as the Constitution does not properly address gun safety issues. As technology has advanced, assault rifles were invented and have given children a fear at school previous generations did not have. I believe that nobody should ever feel scared or unsafe at school or anywhere, this is why I think that it is so important that gun safety laws need to be made.

Venture Concept:
My innovation is going to solve the issue of gun violence and allow people to feel safe when being at school or anywhere. I know that customers will support my idea and want to join me because everyone deserves the right to their own safety and the safety of others. I think that people have realized how much worse gun violence has got throughout the years and a lot of parents are afraid to send their children to school every day because they are worried about the safety of their children. Parents, student and teachers should never have to fear for the lives if themselves or others while being at school. School needs to become a place of safety and a place where students and go to and just learn and not feel scared. This is also necessary for anywhere; people should always feel safe wherever they are and not have to worry about gun violence. Since this is something that the majority of people agree with, a lot of customers and supporters will be attracted to my business. After people join me and realize how necessary gun safety laws are for the United States it will make them continue to stay and want to ensure that the laws are created and that assault rifles are taken. Every single United States citizen deserves the right to feel safe and know that their loved ones are safe too.