Thursday, October 17, 2019

15A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

For my interviews, I talked to three students who were all sophomores at the University of Florida. The first person I spoke to was a female who knew almost nothing about gun safety, but she wants to learn more. The second student was a male who would do anything to make schools more safe and clear of guns. The last interview was with a female who has a lot of knowledge about gun safety and she is an advocate for stronger gun laws. Each one of these students has different amounts of knowledge and views in sun safety but all of them want their voices and beliefs about gun safety to be heard and be able to make a change. I then asked each person about how and why they usually purchase things. All three of these students said that they buy the majority of their things online because it is easier to find exactly what they are looking for. Both of the females that I spoke to said that they chose to buy better brands of everything because they like having good quality items. I male student said that he does not usually care about brands and buys whatever he needs. The two females I talk to think about the brand and quality of the item when thinking if they should buy something or not and the male usually does not care too much about the band and will buy something if he feel he needs it. Overall, the two females that I interviewed had the same view on why and how they purchase something and the male had a different view. When purchasing something I think that it is important to know about the item and decide if I would actually use what I am buying.


  1. Hi Lexington, I was very interested in reading about your buyer behavior. I believe it is important to interview people about gun laws and safety, especially students who don’t know much about it. I believe this is a situation that needs to be discussed to help the safety of students. It was interesting to see the different points of view based on males and females. Overall you did a great job!

  2. Hey Lexington, I think that you did a good job in this exercise, in explaining what your buyer behavior is like. I think it is important that you had such variety in the backgrounds of the people that you interviewed because you would then be able to incorporate more people into your product. I think students deserve to have a safe place to learn and live and different people believe this is done through different ways. Great job exploring this topic!
